Daily Stoic

Gepubliceerd: 23 juli 2020

Door: Martijn Aslander

Categoriën: podcast, Tips

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Waar ik de afgelopen maanden veel kracht en wijsheid uit geput heb is Daily Stoic. Een aanrader.

“This is true for all parties, all people, and has been for all time. Remember: Marcus Aurelius said that history is the same thing happening over and over again. Remember: Seneca reminded us that Fortune doesn’t care about our plans. It doesn’t care about progress. It doesn’t care that we were *this* close to pulling it off. That’s the reality of life. If you don’t expect and prepare for that, you will be crushed and heartbroken.

All we can do today, whatever form the setback has taken for us—financial losses, a business closed, furloughed, mourning somebody we lost—is keep going. We must keep going, as Marcus said, unswerving to the finish line. No matter the twists or turns of the road, we have to keep going. Towards truth. Towards what we know to be right. Towards what we want to do.”